Live Online – Mental Health Part 2


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed

Facilitator: Michelle Lewis

Community workers frequently find themselves working with individuals who suffer from mental illness. This full-day interactive workshop will build on knowledge acquired from the Mental Health Part I workshop. Demonstrations, group exercises, and a “standardized” patient approach will be used to review major mental illnesses and to practice effective intervention strategies. Stress management techniques and the importance of self-care for community workers will also be addressed.

If interested in the Mental Health Part 1 course, please see eLearning Self-Paced Training:

  • Recommended participants attend Mental Health Part 1 Available Self-Paced Online Training
  • You must be prompt for the course – any time missed will result in certificates not being issued.
  • This training is interactive, all attendees are required to participate.
  • Upon successful completion, a certificate of attendance will be issued.

Target Group: All

Additional Training Method: Agency Training

Total Cost: THTC Members Pay: $80.00 | Non-Members Pay: $90.00

Learning Objectives:

  • Increase yourself awareness regarding mental health recovery and emotional distress.
  • Introduce some practical strategies and intervention skills.
  • Increase your personal confidence and professional competency when working with individuals living with emotional distress and mental illness.
  • Challenge participants to embark upon self-mastery pathway towards maximizing their professional competency, resiliency and wellbeing via their work in the community.


REGISTRATIONS ARE CLOSED FOR THIS PROGRAM - THTC DOES NOT MAINTAIN A WAITLIST or CANCELLATION LIST. Please refer to the training calendar for future availability.