About Us
Originally called Toronto Hostels Training Centre, IDEA Training Collaborative changed its name in 2025 to better represent the changing needs of the community we support.
IDEA stands for Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable and Affordable. “Collaborative” highlights working together toward a common goal. In the context of IDEA Training Collaborative, it reflects the organization’s commitment to teamwork and partnership, involving individuals, communities, and organizations in sharing resources, expertise, and knowledge for collective success. It fosters shared responsibility and solutions that benefit all involved.
What We Do
As a leading-edge, non-profit agency, the Toronto Hostels Training Centre, now IDEA Training Collaborative, provides specialized training to those working with homeless and vulnerable populations. Through quarterly calendars of workshops, e-Learning and agency training, we offer both standardized and specialized training to support shelter staff and others in the sector. These workshops cover a wide range of topics, including Shelter Standards, Standard First Aid & CPR, Crisis Prevention, and education addressing emerging needs and trends. The collaborative nature of the organization ensures these trainings are always evolving to meet the needs of the community, fostering a unified approach to addressing critical issues. The collaborative approach promotes open communication, mutual respect, and shared responsibility in tackling the challenges faced by vulnerable populations.
Our History
The inquest into the deaths of Eugene Upper, Irwin Anderson, and Mirsalah-Aldin Kopani in June and July 1996 highlighted the need for improvements in the shelter system, particularly in staff interactions with service users and fostering opportunities for the exchange of ideas and best practices among shelter staff.
In response to these findings and to develop essential, relevant staff training, the Toronto Hostels Training Centre was established on September 18, 1997. It was federally incorporated on November 20, 2000, and became a registered charity on January 1, 2001.
The Training Centre began as a partnership between the City of Toronto Hostels Services Division and the Ontario Association of Hostels (OAH) – Toronto Chapter. Since 1997, it has been guided by its Vision and Mission.
In 2025, Toronto Hostels Training Centre changed its name to IDEA Training Collaborative to better reflect the evolving needs of the community we serve. Since 1997, the organization has expanded its support to staff across various sectors, extending beyond housing and homelessness to include social services such as employment, mental health and addictions, newcomer, youth, seniors, and neighborhood programs.
Our Vision
A robust and dynamic homeless and housing sector with the skills, knowledge and experience to end homelessness – inspiring growth and transforming lives.
Our Mission
To enhance the capacity of the homeless and housing sector to better respond to emerging needs through high quality, practical training, promoting evidence-based practices, and supporting coordination of the sector.
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A Registered Charity
IDEA Training Collaborative (formerly Toronto Hostels Training Centre) has been a registered charity since January 1, 2001.
Support IDEA Training Collaborative by becoming a friend and making a charitable donation to this unique and innovative program. Your contribution will help continue providing high-quality, affordable training for those working directly with homeless individuals, equipping them to effectively address the growing challenges of this vulnerable population.
To make a donation, please click the link below.
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Bylaws & Strategic Plan
We invite you to view our various publications.
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Annual General Meeting (AGM)
As per charitable status requirements, all non-profit, charitable organizations are required to hold an Annual General Meeting every year. The Toronto Hostels Training Centre’s AGM usually takes place sometime in the early Spring to elect the Board of Directors, appoint the Auditors for the coming year and inform members of previous and future activities. It is an opportunity for members, community partners and various stakeholders to review the agency’s financial statements and ask questions regarding the organization’s plans for the future.
Historical Projects
Housing Stability Policy and Strategic Investments (HPS)
Employability Training and Life on Track Training Project
Since 2007, the Training Centre has partnered with the Homelessness Partnership Initiative (HPI) to host/deliver Employability Training as part of the Employability Initiative. In 2008, the Centre agreed to expand the project with HPI to also include a Life on Track component.
Working closely with City of Toronto HPI representatives and employability specialists, the Training Centre interviewed and hired a number of consultants for a curriculum/training roster. Individuals selected for the roster would develop an employability life skills training program which would then be delivered to homeless individuals residing or who have resided within the sector. Due to unforeseen issues and delays, the project was still in process in 2008.
In April 2009, the Employability Training and the Life on Track Training were extended for another term. During this period, the Life on Track training was finalized and delivered to individuals residing in the City Operated Shelters: Downsview Dells, Women’s Residence, FortYork, Birkdale, Seaton House and Family Residence.
This project is a unique approach, pairing employability skills training with life skills training.
From April 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009, the training consultants delivered 86 training sessions to a total of 317 participants in the following topic areas: Introduction to Computers, Resume Skills, Interview Skills, one-on-one resume and interview skills, WHMIS and Emergency First Aid and CPR. From April 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010, the training consultants delivered 76 training sessions for a total of 530 participants in the same topic areas.
In 2010, there were four individuals funded for the Hostel Training Centre Certificate Program. Of the four individuals, two individuals completed and one received their certificate at the Certificate Awards Ceremony in May 2011. From January 1, 2011 to December 1, 2011, the Life on Track training consultants delivered 94 training sessions for a total of 395 participants. A comprehensive 6 module 3 hour training program was also developed and a pilot delivered for the harder to serve shelter residents in the following topic areas: Communication Skills, Listening Skills, Time Management, Stress, Customer Service Skills and Working with Difficult People.
The Centre is thrilled to announce given the program/partnership’s success, it has been extended for another five years until the end of March 2021.
Older Homeless Population Certificate Program (OHPCP) Development Project
To further assist shelter staff and those working with the homeless population provide services for homeless older adults the Toronto Hostels Training Centre convened a panel of experts to build a training curriculum on aging and homelessness. A consultant was hired to develop the curriculum and work closely with the focus group in September 2013. The certificate was then first made available for the sector within the Training Centre’s March to August 2014 calendar.
East York & East Toronto Family Resources (EYET)
From 2012 to 2015, the Training Centre continued to participate on the Core Curriculum Training Project Advisory Committee through RENT and EYET working on maintaining a housing help training model to establish a set of core competencies which will provide the basis of competency for housing workers across the sector.
In 2018/2019, THTC and EYET continued to partner in the delivery of the Housing Help Services Certificate Program for the Housing Help sector. Currently coordinating another cycle of the certificate program which has been made available to the broader housing community.
The Toronto Shelter Network (TSN)
The Toronto Shelter Network (TSN) is a diverse group of shelters that meet regularly to discuss issues, to develop strategies and engage in activities to affect the quality of service delivery in the shelter system. The TSN planning committee will provide leadership to the shelter network and will participate in consultations with funders and legislators on issues affecting the homeless community.
The Toronto Hostels Training Centre has continued its partnership with the Toronto Shelter Network, developing and providing training that meets the needs of shelter staff.
Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness (TAEH)
The Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness (TAEH) is an association of individuals representing organizations with an interest in ending homelessness and providing the needed housing, housing support, health and employment/training services. Their objective is to engage individuals and organizations that represent a broad segment of society and include people with lived experience of homelessness (PWLE), service delivery agencies, research and policy organizations, consumer driven organizations, businesses, associations and advocacy groups and community organizations.
The Toronto Hostels Training Centre currently sits at the table of organizations.
Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN)
Since 2006, the Toronto Hostels Training Centre has worked closely with the Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN) by offering the Drop-In Service Skills Training Centre Certificate. The Toronto Drop-In Centre Training and Capacity Building Coordinator also sits on the Training Centre’s Course Committee, providing input and guidance re. future training to be offered by THTC as well as drop-in sector updates. The partnership has been of great benefit to the Centre as it has not only helped increase participant attendance but has also increased the Training Centre’s profile within the drop-in sector. The Centre continues to look forward to working with TDIN in the coming year as the new Drop-In Certificate Program requirements and program changes are implemented.
Training Partnerships
The Toronto Hostels Training Centre continues to partner with the following training providers offering comprehensive training for the Centre’s membership and clientele:
- Canadian Training Institute (CTI)
- Toronto Public Health
- Shelter Support and Housing Administration
- Housing Stability Policy and Strategic Investments